What is 3 – Gun?

3 – Gun is a type of competition where shooters use handgun, shotgun and rifles to engage various targets on a single course of fire. The targets can be paper, steel and novelty targets that move.

Shooters will be scored on a combination of time and accuracy. Strict safety rules will be followed, and violations can result in penalties added to their total score, or serious infractions can result in disqualification.

What kind of equipment is needed?

3 – Gun competitors will use a semiautomatic center fire pistol chambered in 9MM, 40 S&W, 10MM or 45ACP. It must be carried in a secure holster with a covered trigger guard. Shotguns are usually semiautomatic, but a pump shotgun can also be used. In the interest of fairness, there will be two divisions for shotguns: Standard and Competition. Standard shotguns will be off the shelf field guns without extended magazine, and standard fixed sight or bead. Competition guns can be red dot equipped, with extended magazine tube, holding more than 4 shells. Rifles are usually semiautomatics and will also be split into two Divisions: Standard and Other.

All firearms will be limited to 10 rounds plus one in the chamber. It is highly recommended that shooters have spare ammunition/magazines with them, as round counts in the match can be pretty high. Reloads will be from empty. No “tactical reloads” will be required.

Safety rules are the same as other forms of action shooting – finger off the trigger and OUTSIDE THE TRIGGER GUARD when moving. Muzzles must be kept horizontal or below at all times. All projectiles must enter the berms. PPE is mandatory for shooters as well as observers.

There will be a SAFE TABLE at the beginning of each stage of the CoF, where handling of EMPTY GUNS are permitted. NO AMMUNITION IS ALLOWED IN THE SAFE TABLE AREAS. Handguns will be holstered in the safe area and cannot be removed from the holster anywhere else on the range, unless the shooter is in the START BOX and given the command to do so. Handling of a handgun under any other circumstance outside of the safe area will result in immediate DQ and the shooter will be asked to leave the club.

Handgun magazines can be loaded outside the safe table area ONLY.

When the range is declared CLEAR, waiting shooters, OTHER THAN THE ON DECK SHOOTER, will paste cardboard and reset falling and moving targets for the next shooter.

Long guns – All long guns must be uncased and placed on the respective safe table, unloaded, with actions open, until the shooter is next up. When the CSO declares the range to be clear, and all personnel are OFF THE RANGE, (all firearms used by the previous shooter are cleared and removed from the range by SOs) the next shooter will move his long guns to the corresponding table and load it to capacity, LEAVING THE CHAMBER EMPTY. THIS WILL BE DONE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF SAFETY OFFICERS ONLY.

When the handgun portion of the CoF is completed, the shooter will apply any safety and reholster, BEFORE MOVING TO THE NEXT PART OF THE STAGE.

When the shooter reaches the start box for shotgun, they will pick up the gun and chamber a round, observing SAFE MUZZLE AND TRIGGER DISCIPLINE, and proceed to the shooting box, engaging targets as they come into view. After all targets have been engaged, there will be a barrel where the shotgun will be placed, muzzle down and safety on.

The shooter will move to the last table for the rifle portion of the stage and pick up the gun and chamber a round, OBSERVING MUZZLE AND TRIGGER DISCIPLINE, and engage the rest of the targets. When the shooter has finished shooting, they will place the rifle in the last barrel, with the safety ON.

The SO will ask if the shooter is finished with the CoF, then declare the range CLEAR.

At that point, the score keeper will accompany the shooter through the course and score all targets. The CSO will call out the total time. As each target is scored, it will be pasted or repainted as necessary by waiting shooters. Assistant SOs will clear the long guns, locking the actions open and remove them to the long gun safe table. The shooter will unload their handgun, show clear at the SAFE table, and reholster.

Once the CSO determines that targets are ready, firearms are removed and personnel are off the range, he will call for the next shooter, and announce who is on deck. A SO will accompany the shooter to the long gun tables to prep the shooter’s guns. Smooth range operations will save time and increase safety. On deck shooters are expected to be ready when they are called to the start box. If you are not, you will be moved to the end of the roster, and the next shooter will be moved up.

There will be a thorough SAFETY MEETING before the match starts. Anyone who shows up late and doesn’t attend the meeting will not be allowed to shoot.

Following the safety meeting, there will be a walk through of the entire stage. No AIRGUNNING IS ALLOWED. When the shooter in the start box is asked, “Do you understand the course of fire?” it is your last chance to ask for clarifications. Once you are running the course, no further instructions will be given, UNLESS THERE IS A SAFETY ISSUE.

Loading of handguns will be done by the shooter in the start box, when given the command: LOAD AND MAKE READY.

Other range commands will be: MUZZLE – meaning the shooter is violating or close to violating the muzzle direction rule. FINGER – meaning the shooter is moving with their trigger finger inside the trigger guard. STOP! – means to stop moving, finger and muzzle rules in effect and listen to the CSO. This will only be given if there is a serious safety breach.

The 180 Rule – There is an imaginary line that moves with the shooter as they advance through the CoF. This line is parallel to the firing line at the start of the range. Muzzles must not point past the 180 degree points to the left and right of the range. Doing so will result in a DQ.

At the end of the CoF, the shooter will receive the following commands if they are finished shooting: “Unload and show clear” – the shooter will safely draw their handgun, remove the magazine, and eject the chambered round, holding the slide open for visual inspection. “Close the slide” will be followed by “pull the trigger” or “hammer down”. The muzzle must be pointed at the berm before pulling the trigger. “Holster” means to holster the handgun. Once it is holstered, it cannot be drawn unless the shooter is in the SAFE AREA, or is called to the start box again.

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